UV-Protected Rainscreen System
Open-joint cladding is a growing trend – and it won’t go away anytime soon. In these applications with open siding using exotic hardwoods, composite decking-as-cladding, and even reclaimed barnwood – it’s more critical than ever to protect the building envelope. Finding the right system that includes a proper rainscreen for wood and woodlike siding are few and far between. But luckily, we’ve got the right weatherization system that will handle the moisture intrusion and long-term UV exposure that comes with these applications.
UV-Rated Rainscreen System
Enter the sleek, unprinted, all-black, UV-rated rainscreen system. This trifecta of UV resistance includes Invisiwrap UV housewrap, HydroFlash UV+ flashing, and Batten UV rainscreen. These products work together to provide 25+ years of UV exposure behind open siding and can be left completely exposed for an entire year ahead of cladding installation.
Building paper or felt will not cut the mustard for these exposed wall systems. If you’re considering hopping on the open-joint bandwagon, you’ll need to protect yourself and your build with the right system.
Max UV Exposure
Maximum Protection
Removes Bulk Water
Dries Behind Cladding
Vapor Permeable